Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Photo Critique 1

1.who/what is the subject in the Photograph?
     - the subject in this photograph is the Water, Bird, and Fish. does the composition of the photograph draw emphasis on the subject
     - As you can see the bird has already captured the fish in its beak, as it is flying up you can see the water is disturbed from when the bird reached in to the water and out. Another of the things you can see the bird and the fish are the ones that stand out as well, the bird has its wing streched out with the fish in the beak and the color from the birds feathers gives it a little more to the photograph.

3. why do you find this particular photograph interesting?
     - what i find interesting in this picture is the pitch clear and color this has and as well this is a fast situtaion and you can see the water,fish,and bird still and sharp. just a perfect shot.

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