Tuesday, January 14, 2014

symmetry #1

Gang member/Mafioso: These two men Relate Because they are both involved with A Social Gang and Violence.

Fur Trapper / Woman With Dog: The Man And Woman Relate by Fur

Indigent couple / Wealthy couple: Both couples relate in Economics Poor and Rich.

Baptist Minister / Ku Klux Klan: They are both in a belief

Fortune Teller / Executioner: Both tell the persons fate

Debutante / Parolee: Both, Woman and man, are being watched.

Physician Assisted Suicide Patient / Holocaust Survivor: They Both survived something tragic

Baptist Churchgoer / White supremacist: both a social Group.

Ballerina / Boxer : Both activities are like dancing  

Amish Teenagers / Punk Teenagers: both teens

Astronaut / Alien abductee: Both travel in a place that is not their home.

Polygamists / Pimp: both have more then on Woman in their life.

Marine / War Veteran: Both in military.

Motorcycle gang / Altar boys: both groups are serve their group

French Chef / Short Order Cook: They Both Cook

Country FAir LoveStock Show Contestant / Cajun Man: both have show

Bank Robber / deputies: Deal with crime

Company President / Janitor: make sure everything is Running smooth.

Homeless Man / Real Estate developer: Both look for Homes

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